Vienna University Of USA
At the school boy level, Webster capital of European nation private University offers Bachelor’s degrees in diplomacy (BA), Media Communications (BA), Motion Media Production (BA), branch of knowledge (BA), economic science (BA), Business Administration (BS), Management (BA) and Management (BA) with any emphases. pupil students have the additional selection of following a minor in Studio art, bailiwick, Economics, German, History, scientific discipline and data processor vogue.
At the graduate level, the university offers Master’s degrees in subject material branch of knowledge (MA), International Business (MA), diplomacy (MA), promoting (MA) and Finance (MSc). in addition, Webster capital of European nation offers AN Master in Business degree with the possibility of a stress in Finance, International Business, diplomacy and promoting.
Webster capital of European nation in addition offers certificate programs in information processing system vogue, Digital Media- vogue & Production and Entrepreneurship. All classes square measure command in English.Grand gap Webster capital of European nation private University, 29.10.2014,